CEAP Program
Community Renewal Team Inc.
555 Windsor Street
Hartford, CT 06120
Tel: (860) 560-5600
Email: in**@cr***.org
Web: www.crtct.org
Operation Fuel is a private, not-for-profit community based organization that provides emergency energy assistance to state residents who do not qualify for, or have exhausted, their government assistance.
Operation Fuel, Inc.
One Regency Drive, Suite 200
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Tel: 860-243-2345
Fax: 860-726-9310
Toll Free: 800-354-7199
Web: http://www.operationfuel.org/
Citizen’s Energy (Connecticut) help residents needing heating oil assistance. The non-profit organization is associated with Joe Kennedy,(“Joe for Oil”). The organization provides eligible families with a one-time delivery of 100 gallons of home heating oil.
Citizens Energy Corporation
88 Black Falcon Avenue, Suite 342
Boston, Massachusetts 02210
Tel: (617) 338-6300
Fax: (617) 542-4487
Email: in****@ci************.com
Web: www.citizensenergy.com
The Soldiers’, Sailors’ and Marines’ Fund, is a Connecticut State agency which assists wartime veterans and their families and may be able to offer fuel assistance. Programs are administered by the American Legion. For more information, you can call, Toll Free: 1-800-491-4941, (within the state of Connecticut).
Soldiers’ Sailors’and Marines’ Fund
864 Wethersfield Avenue
Hartford, CT 06114
Tel: (860) 296-0719
Fax: (860) 296-0820
Email: jo**********@po.us
Website: www.ct.gov/ssmf
United Way of Connecticut is associated with fuel assistance and other programs, you can contact the United Way directly, of the Connecticut State Infoline by dialing 2-1-1 on your phone. For basic infoline info, visit their website at: www.infoline.org.
United Way of Connecticut
1344 Silas Deane Highway
Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067
Tel: 860-571-7500
Fax: 860-571-7525
email: in******@ct*********.org