How Low Are Temperatures Going to Go in Connecticut This January?
Surprise, surprise, Connecticut residents will need to break out the long underwear this January, 2016. Okay, the long underwear and three-layers of flannel PJs have already been out, we know. Temperatures in Hartford aren’t predicted to get higher than the forties this month, and toward the end of the month, residents can enjoy the prospect of highs in the thirties and lows almost into the single digits.
Connecticut residents are a hardy bunch, and a freezing winter is just business as usual. However, that doesn’t mean they enjoy shivering like popsicles in their own homes. You know it’s going to get cold, so prepare by stocking up on the heating oil you need. It doesn’t have to be as expensive as you fear. At, you can actually compare heating oil prices from local dealers in the area, the same way you would compare prices on a flight to Hawaii to escape the winter altogether. Find the best deal possible, put in your order, and buy comfy slippers for the whole family (Grandma too!) with some of the money you save. is up and running for Norwich, Watertown, Wethersfield, and many other cities throughout Connecticut.