Home Heating Oil

Preparing Your Home for Winter: Summer Maintenance Tips

Home Heating Oil Costs

Preparing Your Home for Winter: Summer Maintenance Tips As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, winter might be the furthest thing from your mind. However, the summer months offer the perfect opportunity to prepare your home for the colder season ahead. One crucial aspect of this preparation is ensuring your heating system is …

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Do You Need Help Paying for Heating Oil?

Home Heating Oil

Do You Need Help Paying for Heating Oil? There are organizations that can help low income families with buying heating oil.  See the list below and give them a call with your questions or to get the process started. A.B.C.D/T.E.A.M./N.E.O.N./  are other energy assistance programs which, the customer would need to apply to them directly. Eligible …

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What are “Normal Weather Conditions” for Oil Delivery in your City?

Oil Delivery

What are “Normal Weather Conditions” for Oil Delivery in your City? Normal weather refers to typical weather conditions expected for that time of the year. Unusual weather conditions that could cause delivery delays can include: – Poor driving conditions caused by rain, snow, wind, ice, sleet, ect. – Weather conditions that slow delivery times such …

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Winter Isn’t Done Yet With Connecticut

Radiator Home Heating

Winter Isn’t Done Yet With Connecticut Hope for an early spring was so tantalizingly close at the beginning of February when the famous Pennsylvania groundhog Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow on Groundhog Day. This was supposed to mean fast approaching good weather. Alas, Connecticut is currently digging out of yet another bad snowstorm …

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