Month: January 2016

If You Use Home Heating Oil, You Could Spend Over $2,000 to Heat Your Home This Winter

Home Heating Oil

If You Use Home Heating Oil, You Could Spend Over $2,000 to Heat Your Home This Winter Heating your home is a necessary expense, especially during the severe Connecticut winters, but depending on your heating source, you would be paying much more out of pocket than your neighbor. A 2013 report by the U.S. Energy …

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How Low Are Temperatures Going to Go in Connecticut This January?

Home Heating Oil

How Low Are Temperatures Going to Go in Connecticut This January? Surprise, surprise, Connecticut residents will need to break out the long underwear this January, 2016. Okay, the long underwear and three-layers of flannel PJs have already been out, we know. Temperatures in Hartford aren’t predicted to get higher than the forties this month, and …

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